Resource Categories: Quitting Mormonism, Transition Support, and Truth Claims
Excellent blog – particularly around the concepts of construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction.
Hi! I’m Jason Harris, a Neurologist/Neuro-Ophthalmologist, Dad and Husband. I used to be a Mormon (formerly favorable nickname for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or LDS/Mormon Church). I share aspects of my life’s voyage in and later out of Mormonism on this site. Specifically, I share faith transition experiences with the construction, deconstruction and subsequent reconstruction of my world paradigms.
For ease of navigation, all posts are visible under BLOG in the top menu bar. Posts are also visible as links in the right column (desktop devices) or at the bottom of each page (mobile devices). Links to RESOURCES are in the top menu bar as well (articles, books, support groups, websites, etc.).
All posts are categorized under World-View Construction, World-View Deconstruction and World-View Reconstruction. I believe these three phases of human development are experienced differently with each one of us. After all, we are individuals. But I believe there is one constant. Growth.
It is often emotionally traumatic to leave any tight-knit, high-demand religious organization. Sharing our stories can be beneficial. Despite the pain, I have come to learn there is also beauty, light and hope on the other side! I would choose this path again. I hope sharing portions of my voyage will be beneficial to others reading this as well, regardless of where the reader is in her/his hero’s journey.