Great empathic piece for those who are ‘doubting.’
When we doubt, we grieve the loss of certainty.
As a companion piece to be read alongside the LDS church’s recent articles on leaving the church, I’d like to offer my advice to Mormons who are doubting. This is based on my experience with assisting Mormons in transitional spaces for over a decade as well as my work as director of a non-profit Mormon studies organization that has had an important part to play in scholarship that sometimes disrupts a heritage-based narrative.
This is not authoritative (because things like these rarely are ), but casual advice based on my own personal experiences and observations. So, prompted by a conversation with a friend, I offer an open letter to Mormons experiencing doubt.
Dear newly-doubting Mormon,
First, just breathe.
I bet you’re feeling tension right now. Maybe you don’t feel it, and that’s okay.