Resource Categories: Communities, Family, and Sex
- Facebook group for mixed-faith couples. You need to apply through the public group (linked here) and then you will get admitted to the private group.MMFM GUIDELINES:1. Ideally, we’d like to have both husband AND wife in this group. We know this is not always possible, but this group exists to strengthen the marriage and that takes both sides. Please consider adding your spouse to our group once you determine if this is a safe and worthwhile place for you.2. We refer to ourselves as ABM (Active Believing Mormon) and PM (Post Mormon). There are also ANBM (Active Non-Believing Mormons). We do not use the term TBM (True Believing Mormon) because it can have negative connotations. No matter what the label, we consider this group to be a “tribe” of sorts–a place to feel safe and practice communicating across the chasm of mixed beliefs.3. When posting, please TAG A TOPIC to your post if one applies. This will help others easily find what they are looking for in the future. You never know who will benefit from the discussion you started. This also helps our site stay organized.4. We are interested in the “HOWs” of a Mixed-Faith Marriage rather than the “WHYs”. How do we learn to communicate lovingly? How do we reconnect in deep ways? How does our family negotiate Sundays? How do we grow together instead of apart?. These are deep and multilayered questions that can change how we love, and deepen our connection. WHY the faith transition happened is not helpful for this group.5. We consider this group a building bridges group rather than a venting group. Any posts that are venting about their spouse or debating religious points will be deleted immediately.6. The LDSMFF tribe is a place where we practice communicating in new ways. Sometimes people do not do this perfectly. We are all adults. If someone says something you feel is offensive or off-putting, PLEASE take some time to LEND THEM GRACE, acknowledge their pain, then let them know how their comment makes you feel. These topics are difficult and laden with hurt feelings, and big fears. Communicating in a forum like this is new for people, and it’s OK to make mistakes and learn. So–speak up in loving ways. Perhaps your intervention will help that person learn to communicate with their own spouse more lovingly and sensitively in the future.7. MMFM Moderators are volunteers who spend lots of time supporting this group. Whenever a <moderation note> is placed on a thread, it usually represents the consensus decision of the moderators and the decisions are final. Those who publicly dispute moderation decisions and attack moderators will be removed from the group. We are happy to discuss issues that arise in private messages. We are certainly not perfect, but this is a Facebook group, with voluntary participation. Moderators are tasked with keeping the group a safe place for people on all sides of the Mormon spectrum and beyond, and this sometimes means stepping on toes or risking offending group members for the good of the whole.